A long-lasting hiatus – and maybe someday back again?

As it with many one-person projects, my Mosques map fell into disrepair. And given work pressure and other interesting private projects, I never got around to get it up and running again.

Then again, this might have been for the best. Last year, I played with the idea of switching my deployment model to Kubernetes. What feels like a lifetime later, my work projects taught me that this would have been an even less sustainable effort.

Anyways, long story short, I few weeks ago I got into discussing another Geo-based project idea with a friend of mine, which in turn might breathe fresh life into this project as well.

But, as it is with one-person projects (did I mention this somewhere already?), no promises given, no timeframes promised. If it becomes alive again, it will be ready when it is ready. Only promise is, it will be announced here and on the OSM blogs 🙂

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